Monday, June 18, 2007

Day Two

iPod playlist: K. Flay, Outkast, Bjork
Running Mileage: 2.96
Total Mileage: 4.75 miles

On today's run I quickly hit the so-called "runner's high." I can only describe it as feeling like my body is functioning like a machine: simple cogs and levers pushing the whole mass forward. And somehow, this leaves my brain functioning on a very basic level, which is a nice break from the 100-mile-an-hour thinking I am typically engaged in.

So on my run today I spent much of the time noticing all the different smells in New York City. There was a good quarter of a mile in which I was positive I had stepped in dog shit, but it turns out that's just what it smells like in that area. One entire block smelled like pot, another smelled metallic, and yet another smelled like honeysuckle. When I reached the East River, the smell of bleach was overpowering. And a little further down a breeze kicked up, bringing me the salty scent of the water.

Upon reaching the Triborough Bridge, I turned around to double back home. All the smells were in the exact same places. If I keep using this route, I'll forget street names and just remember scent names. "Oh, you're looking for 31st Street? It's right between Dogshit Street and Honeysuckle Road. You can't miss it."

Total training miles run so far: 5.16

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