Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day Eight

iPod playlist: none
Running Mileage: 5 miles
Total Mileage: 7 miles

Today I had soccer practice. For over an hour and a half I was running: jogging in place, running drills without the ball, running drills with the ball, sprints, more sprints, running and shooting, scrimmaging 1 v 2, scrimmaging 2 v 2, more running drills...

I read in an article that you run about 5 miles in a soccer game. This was not an actual game, but it was definitely a running practice without time standing on the sidelines. Plus all that random sprinting is good for short interval training. So after a little thought I decided soccer practice counts as 5 miles. Add the walk to and from the field, and it's not a bad day. I feel like I'm getting back on track.

Total training miles run so far: 12.29

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